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时间: 2024-09-29 01:42:48


1. ménshàngguàzhepiàoliàngdehuà

There is a beautiful painting on the door.

2. qǐngzàiménshàngtiēshàngzhèzhāngtōngzhī

Please post this notice on the door.

3. ménshàngdetiěhuánshēngxiùle

The iron ring on the door is rusty.

4. zàiménshàngledemíng

He carved his name on the door.

5. ménshàngguàzhechuànlíngdāng

There is a string of bells on the door.

6. ménshàngdele

The glass on the door is broken.

7. zàiménshàngdīnglekuàibǎn

He nailed a piece of wood on the door.

8. ménshàngdeménsuǒhuàile

The lock on the door is broken.

9. ménshàngtiēzhezhāngjìnzhǐyāndebiāozhì

There is a no smoking sign on the door.

10. zàiménshàngtiēlezhāngzhǐtiáo

He stuck a note on the door.

11. ménshàngguàzhechuànfēnglíng

There is a wind chime on the door.

12. qǐngzàiménshàngtiēshàngzhèzhāngjǐnggàobiāozhì

Please post this warning sign on the door.

13. ménshàngdeyóuluòle

The paint on the door is peeling.

14. zàiménshàngtiēlezhāngqǐngrǎodebiāozhì

He put up a do not disturb sign on the door.

15. ménshàngdeshǒusōngle

The handle on the door is loose.

16. ménshàngtiēzhezhānghuānyíngbiāo

There is a welcome banner on the door.

17. zàiménshàngguàlefēngjǐnghuà

He hung a landscape painting on the door.

18. ménshàngdeménpáihàojīngtuìshǎile

The number on the door is fading.

19. qǐngzàiménshàngtiēshàngzhèzhāngtōngxíngzhèng

Please affix this pass on the door.

20. ménshàngguàzhekuàijìngzi

There is a mirror on the door.


上一个 dǎn,dà(胆大) 小学语文,造句 下一个 sè,xiào(色笑)



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